Tamil Nadu is exploring the possibility of setting up a Drone Corporation to make the state a drone manufacturing hub, said an official statement. The state plans to have the hub using
NASA has awarded Pittsburgh-based space robotics startup Astrobotic $199.5 million to deliver a water-hunting rover to the Moons South Pole in late 2023. The water-seeking mobile VIPER (Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover)
In times of unexpected uncertainty, such as the sudden appearance of a global pandemic like Covid-19, people may be more prone to paranoia, warn researchers. Paranoia is a key symptom of serious
Scientists in India and Japan have developed a highly accurate machine tool to help clinicians choose the most effective treatment strategy for patients with glioma brain tumour. A new machine learning approach
An apparent surge in traffic outside hospitals in Wuhan city, the capital of China’s Hubei province, from August 2019 may suggest that the coronavirus hit the area earlier than reported, a study
Elon Musk has told his SpaceX staff to make Starship spacecraft top priority and speed up progress on the super-heavy rocket which has seen some turbulent testing in recent months. In an
The Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, has identified a distinct cluster in the coronavirus found among Indians but made it clear that there is no data yet to say that
Researchers have revealed that today’s carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are actually higher than they have been for the past 23 million years. Compare pollution level on NASA website: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2020/drop-in-air-pollution-over-northeast The research team
SpaceX has confirmed the successful deployment of a new batch of 60 Starlink internet satellites into orbit. “Successful deployment of 60 Starlink satellites confirmed,” SpaceX tweeted late on Wednesday. The launch came
NASA is tracking a giant asteroid which may be taller than the Empire State Building in the US, and it will be flying near the Earth on June 6 (Saturday). Given the