It is just a bit uncomfortable and I cannot place my finger on it. Maybe, if it hadn’t been set up on a pedestal and draped over a Modi lookalike mannequin I would have been a lot more au fait over the whole exercise. But it was so obviously orchestrated that the distilled feeling is man, what a power-horse, even his suit is worth so much without him in it…writes Bikram Vohra

I think it is utterly fatuous that the Modi suit (with monogram) should get a bid of $700,000. Who is this guy with this kind of money? What, he had spare change lying around? And this gilded cleverness of putting the money to good use by cleaning the Ganges, oh please, spare us the piety. It is a commercial sale (unless the guy is a collector of suits, like those people who collect watches and pens) or a purchase of 15 minutes of fame, no more, no less, so let’s not dress it all up to be what it isn’t.
I guess if you have rude sums of money just filling the cupboard then why not? It is just a bit uncomfortable and I cannot place my finger on it. Maybe, if it hadn’t been set up on a pedestal and draped over a Modi lookalike mannequin I would have been a lot more au fait over the whole exercise. But it was so obviously orchestrated that the distilled feeling is man, what a power-horse, even his suit is worth so much without him in it.
As for the Ganges being cleaned with this money, sure, it is a good cause, but who will monitor that and how cleaning up of the waters will this money achieve? It all reminds me of this line I read the other day: art should elevate, not pander. So, too, should any initiative that is bed-rocked in honest intent. Yet, there is something tacky about this whole thing… overly rich people vying for the threads of the Emperor.
Maybe I have it wrong, maybe it is pure envy, I don’t know, it is just that the flinch won’t go away.