Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar on Saturday took a jibe at the former Wayanad MP, saying he visits abroad 60 times in a year and every time “tears down” the country…reports Asian Lite
In February this year, the Ministry integrated the Passport Seva Programme with DigiLocker bringing about a major digital transformation in delivery of Passport services, the Minister stated…reports Asian Lite News. Stating that
Health Minister Harsh Vardhan raises concerns about the availability of vaccines and low rates of inoculation in developing nations, reports Asian Lite News. With little over 3 per cent of its population
Move comes amidst mounting concern over the prospect of vaccine certificates voiced by the Conservative Party, as well as opposition lawmakers and civil rights groups, reports Asian Lite News Britain plans to
OCI card is very essential for foreigners of Indian origin and as per rules OCI cards to be reissued for new passports. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Thursday said that the government
The National Health Service (NHS) will set up a system that will allow people to use an app or a paper certificate to gain access to major events..reports Asian Lite News UK
The government has extended time till Dec 31, 2021, to get the OCI cards re-issued for those below the age of 20 years and above 50 years, reports Asian Lite News. People