Kerala records 97 new Covid-19 positive cases on Thursday, taking the state’s tally to 1,358, said Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. The immediate hike in Kerala has observed due to a large number of expatriates returned to their homeland.
Vijayan said this rise was expected as people are coming back from abroad and within the country in good numbers.
“So far 2,79,687 from abroad and within the country have come and more will be coming. It has been decided to train more people in the health sector and it would include those retired from health services, those who are qualified and unemployed and even final year students would be drafted to augment the present system,” he said.
Vijayan also said that in view of a large number of the diaspora waiting to return, the state government will take up with the various airlines and also the Centre and the embassies to see that tests are conducted before the people boards the aircraft.
“We will provide these kits to the various countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman. In UAE and Qatar, there are already facilities for testing those who are flying back,” he added.
On Thursday, a 28-year-old state government employee – a driver in the state Excise Department at Kannur – who had tested Covid positive last week, died, taking the total toll to 21 in the state.
Vijayan also that at present 1,26,829 people are in isolation at homes, corona care centres and 1,967 of them in various hospitals.
He also said 4,817 samples were sent for testing, taking the total samples that have been tested to 1,69,035.