The Delhi government on Wednesday directed the District Magistrates to ensure enough food is supplied to the patients observing fast during the holy month of Ramadan at the Covid Care Centres in the national capital.
In an order issued on Wednesday, the Health Department directed the medical directors/medical superintendents and directors of the hospitals of the Delhi government — to which Covid Care Centres are attached — to provide sufficient logistics and manpower to these centres.
It also directed them to ensure that all patients in such centres are provided medicines for chronic illness, if any, by the medical team deployed there.
“The holy month of Ramadan is starting from April 24/25, and some of the inmates may be observing fast (Roza). All District Magistrates are advised to supply them food as per their schedule to avoid any confusion at the last moment,” the order said.
It also directed the District Magistrates to accommodate the Covid-19 positive and negative persons separately at the centres and send all emergency patients or dead bodies immediately to the Lok Nayak Hospital, if any.
Delhi has so far reported more than 2,200 Covid-19 cases.