With the demand for quicker testing for Coronavirus infection Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palanswami on Monday said orders have been placed for 1 lakh rapid testing kits… Reports India Daily News Desk
He said Rs 500 crore financial assistance has been received from the Central Government.
Palaniswami said plans are there to set up 21 more Coronavirus sample testing centres.
Speaking to reporters here Palaniswami said one lakh units of rapid test kits have been ordered to carry out the Coronavirus diagnostic tests in thirty minutes.
Stressing that isolation is the only solution to reduce the impact of Coronavirus he said the hospitals in Tamil Nadu have 3,371 ventilators.
He said about 2.10 lakh passengers have been screened at the airports in the state.
According to Palaniswami, the government is planning to introduce mobile vegetable shops in Chennai.
A total of 94,873 cases have been registered against persons for violating the prohibitory orders and 94,152 persons have been arrested and let out on bail.
The Chief Minister said based on the impact of Coronavirus in the state a decision on holding the tenth standard exams will be taken.
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