In a major push for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Skill India’ mission, Microsoft’s Indian-born CEO Satya Nadella launched “Project Sangam” to help the government not only train but also assist people get jobs via professional networking website LinkedIn that was acquired by the company last year….reports India Daily Newsdesk
Aimed at employing and empowering the people, “Project Sangam” will commence from Andhra Pradesh.
“The company will allow people to enroll through Aadhaar cards and later utilise LinkedIn to manage their profiles,” Nadella said during Microsoft’s prestigious “Future Decoded” event.
As soon as the training is completed, Microsoft will update their profiles for employers to shortlist and hire the skilled workers. The candidates will also receive job options according to their skills.
Billed as one of the largest such pacts in the global social media space, Microsoft acquired LinkedIn for $26.2 billion in an all-cash deal last year.
LinkedIn, which has more than 35 million of its over 430 million users in India, retained its distinct brand, culture and independence.