Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday interacted with Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai on a wide range of subjects, particularly leveraging the power of technology to transform the lives of India’s farmers, youngsters and entrepreneurs. They also spoke on the new work culture emerging during the corona crisis.
In the virtual meeting with Pichai, the Prime Minister also discussed the new work culture that is emerging during the COVID-19 crisis.
“This morning, (I) had an extremely fruitful interaction with Sundar Pichai. We spoke on a wide range of subjects, particularly leveraging the power of technology to transform the lives of India’s farmers, youngsters and entrepreneurs,” Modi said in a series of tweets.
This morning, had an extremely fruitful interaction with @sundarpichai. We spoke on a wide range of subjects, particularly leveraging the power of technology to transform the lives of India’s farmers, youngsters and entrepreneurs.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) July 13, 2020
The Prime Minister said he was delighted to know more about the efforts of Google in several sectors, be it in education, learning, digital India, furthering digital payments and more.
During the interaction, Modi said Sundar Pichai and he spoke about the new work culture that is emerging in the times of COVID-19 and also discussed the challenges the global pandemic has brought to areas such as sports. “We also talked about the importance of data security and cyber safety.”
Today at #GoogleForIndia we announced a new $10B digitization fund to help accelerate India’s digital economy. We’re proud to support PM @narendramodi’s vision for Digital India – many thanks to Minister @rsprasad & Minister @DrRPNishank for joining us.
— Sundar Pichai (@sundarpichai) July 13, 2020
Prime Minister’s interaction with Pichai is significant this time when India is trying to make a big push to attract foreign investments.