Speakers who spoke in the Dialogue jointly said that since we live in a society which is both multi-cultural and multi religious society; thus, makes it imperative to hold conversations for the unity and well-being of the society
On the Occasion of 35th Demise Anniversary of the Imam Khomeini (R.A) Jammu and Kashmir Anjuman-E-Sharie Shian’s Interfaith Dialogue chapter organised daylong seminar on Theme “INTERFAITH DIALOGUE: It’s Need and Importance in the Contemporary Times. The event was held in Howzeh Jamia Babul Ilem Oriental Collage of Learning Budgam .
The distinguished guests included, Syed Shamas Rehman (Reprsentative of Mirwaiz Umer Farooq), Moulana Kurshid Ahmed Kanoon Gou, (Chairman Himayat ul Islam,) Narender Singh Khalsa(President Sikh Intellectual Circle) Mir Shahid Saleem (United Peace Alliance Jammu) , ID Khajuria , Ashu Peter Matto ( President Christian Sabha) Pastor Paul and Dr John Philips ( Kashmir Christ Church of Kashmir )Aga Syed Mujtaba Abbas Mosavi Al-Safavi , Sajjad Kargili , Bashir Shakiri of Imam Khomeini Trust, Kargil, Facility Members students of Howzeh Jamia Babul Ilem, Maktab-e Zehra Women’s Collage, Ulemas, and participants from other walks of life.

Jammu and Kashmir Anjuman-E-Sharie Shian President and Founder Anjuman Interfaith Dialogue Chapter Aga Syed Hassan Mosavi Al-Safavi said that we all believe that the essence of belief in God and service to the people can be found in all religions. This seminar, teaches us how to sit together for a dialogue according to the tenets of the Holy Quran and the way of life and conduct of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) to make a safe and sound world free from “sectarianism and bloodshed”.
Aga further said “Interfaith dialogue is essential to avoid fanaticism which leads to confusion and forces with vested interest promote fanaticism to divide and to create communal disharmony to fulfil their selfish desires”.
Interfaith dialogue provides space for people of different religions to come together and discuss about their religions, clarify the doubts and promote inter-religious understanding and creates inter-religious relations, which avoids frictions between religious and religious communities”.
Speakers who spoke in the Dialogue jointly said that since we live in a society which is both multi-cultural and multi religious society; thus, makes it imperative to hold conversations for the unity and well-being of the society.
“Every religion also has to be pluralistic in its own perspective and promote this pluralism among its adherents. Inter-faith dialogue has to contribute towards communal harmony and the welfare of the humanity” Speakers said.
At the end of the Seminar distinguish guests felicitated Jammu and Kashmir Anjuman-E-Sharie Shian President and Founder Anjuman Interfaith Dialogue Chapter Aga Syed Hassan Mosavi Al-Safavi for providing a platform for inter religious dialogue continuously since 2018 and described Aga Hassan as a staunch supported of cause that promote diversity and Interfaith dialogue and cooperation .