Nature’s canvas…oh so brittle
Precious like shining diamonds little
Here they come with spirits high
Make way…it’s their time to fly!
There is no easy way to describe the immense joy that a girl child brings in our lives. As the world celebrates INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GIRL CHILD, Indian Breves is honoured to present its humble tribute to these little butterflies, these ‘TITLIYAN’.
Indian Breves is “grateful to friends, families and associates who have contributed to the making of the video by sharing innocent moments of the little girls who inspire them every day.”
“This is not a cry for help. This is not a social message. ‘Titliyaan’ is just a manifestation of the emotions that a girl child brings in our lives in different ways.”

The band just wanted its feelings and emotions to resonate through this song. While several individuals and organisations are speaking about education, gender equality and women’s safety on International Day of the Girl Child, the band likes to tread on the lighter side of this day, with a simple message…#UdnaHaiUdneDo.
Sujan Shetty & Hamit Walia, the founding members of Indian Breves, initiated the composition and headed the project. Along the way, several others joined in this initiative to show their support towards the International Day of the Girl Child. Charlie Jones, a renowned musician and producer in the UK, worked closely with the band to get this project rolling with his touch of sheer genius.
Gaurov Mukherjee, one of the lead singers offered to collaborate with Indian Breves for this project, lending the band his symphonic vocals. Vishal Shah, one of the resident vocalist was super stoked about this collaboration and even made his daughters a part of this song.

Parikshit Gupta and Sukhbir Kalsi from Mumbai, who have been old friends of the band, worked towards the finesse of TITLIYAN by overseeing the vocal arrangements and bringing in improvisations. Additionally, Sukhbir also contributed as a vocalist adding further depth to the composition. Love for this initiative poured in even from Bollywood whistle artist Akshay Kumta and sound maestro Camille Polycarp who has worked closely with some of the top music directors and artists for over 20 years. And above all, Kimaya, Rianna, Mehar, Bani, Dithi & Kushi, the precious little girls, added a raw touch with their sweet voices to fill this song with innocence.
Swadhar, a Pune Based NGO for underprivileged children played a pivotal role in bringing this song to life. Swadhar opened its doors for the band to capture some innocent moments that were created merely by the presence of the little angels that this song is dedicated to. As a tribute, a special video versions of TITLIYAN are being released dedicated completely to the girls of Swadhar on 24th January, 2022 on the occasion of NATIONAL GIRL CHILD DAY. Kanishka Ingle, a leading photographer working in Bollywood, directed the visual aspect of the project, working closely with every band member and the girls at Swadhar to shoot and compose the video that over 10,000 viewers have enjoyed. Vibhor Kaul undertook the task of creatively portraying the introduction and promotional content of TITLIYAN on social media and other platforms.

“Last but not least, our listeners and viewers have been our greatest support along the years, inspiring us to strike the right notes and create something meaningful. They showered us with love when we released NEELA AASMAN in July, 2020 despite the global lockdown. As distances still keep us apart, one can always take solace in the sound of music, leaving behind the woes, even if it is for a few minutes. We hope that TITLIYAN brings you joy and takes you closer to a paradise where innocence rules every heart,” it added.
Happy listening!
Charles Jones Vibhor Kaul Sujan Shetty Parikshit Gupta Kanishka Ingle Gaurov Mukherjee