Google on Tuesday brought Netflix on its home video smart devices Nest Hub and Nest Hub Max. The company said that Netflix is rolling out on Nest smart displays globally wherever the service and Nest devices are currently available.
If you have a Netflix subscription, simply link your account in the Google Home or Assistant app and you can play Netflix movies, TV shows and documentaries by using your voice.
“If you’re watching Netflix on your Hub Max while doing the dishes or making dinner, Quick Gestures lets you easily pause or resume your video — just look at the device and raise your hand,” said Google.
The users can now cast Peacock from your mobile devices to Nest Hub and Nest Hub Max, joining other subscription streaming services like Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, SHOWTIME and thousands of other apps.
Google recently rolled out group calling feature on Nest Hub Max where users can make group video calls with Duo and Google Meet.
Currently available in the US, the Nest users can spontaneously check in with family or friends for up to 32 people on Duo or work meetings with up to 100 people via Meet, with just a simple voice command from Google Assistant.
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