Turkish Sports Minister Mehmet Kasapoglu on Thursday said they are confident the Champions League final will still be held in Istanbul even as UEFA mulls other options because of the COVID-19 pandemic.”I have no doubt it will take place in the best way in Turkey.
We’re confident that we will receive good news on June 17,” Turkish Sports Minister Kasapoglu said during an interview with TRT Sport channel.
“We are following this closely, it’s a very important matter,” he added.
Recently Madrid mayor Jose Luis Martinez-Almeida said that the city’s administration is in full support of holding the Champions League final in the Spanish capital.
Istanbul was originally scheduled to host the Champions League final on May 30. However, no matches could be held thus far beyond the Round of 16 stage due to the coronavirus pandemic and it was reported last month that UEFA is now considering moving the final away from Istanbul.
Last season’s Champions League final was held in Madrid at Atletico Madrid’s home stadium Wanda Metropolitano.
A decision on the same could be made during an UEFA Executive Committee meeting on June 17.
Turkey has officially recorded around 173,000 cases of the virus, and 4,746 deaths.