India and Chennai Super Kings spinner Harbhajan Singh has collaborated with CRY to help 3.5 lakh underprivileged children and grassroots healthcare workers in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak that has seen the world come to a standstill.
Taking to Twitter, Harbhajan wrote: “CRY and I has started this amazing campaign to help 3.5 lakh underprivileged children plus grassroots healthcare workers during the #coronavirus pandemic. Please donate to @cry_india to help them in this urgent cause! What ever lil you can help plz do”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced a 21-day lockdown in the country to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. He said this is an essential step to fight coronavirus decisively. He added that saving lives is priority as of now.
“With folded hands, I request you to stay put wherever you are,” said Prime Minister Modi. He added that he is mindful of the economic ramifications of it. However, this is a smaller concern.
PM Modi warned, that if the citizens don’t follow a complete lockdown for the coming 21 days, the nation will go back 21 years and many families will be devastated.
The outbreak has seen the suspension of all sporting activities and that has also put the fate of the 13th edition of the Indian Premier League in the balance. The Sports Ministry has made it clear that the fate of the IPL can be decided only after the government comes out with a fresh advisory after April 15, keeping in mind the situation with regards to the coronavirus outbreak.
Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju reiterated that while it is the BCCI which decides on cricketing matters, the pandemic is something which has a direct effect on the loves of the citizens of the country.