Another brutal lynching case took place in Uttar Pradesh, where a Dalit father-son duo was allegedly beaten to death by their neighbours over a property dispute in Hanuman Nagar locality in Moradabad on Saturday. The father’s body was found inside the house, while the son’s body was found about 200 metres away from the house.
The victims have been identified as Kishan Lal (52), and his son Rajesh (22).
According to police, 10 to 15 people barged into the victims’ house and attacked the family members, killing the father and son on the spot. Two of the accused have been arrested in this connection. The bodies were sent for post mortem and the report is awaited.
In her complaint, Kishan Lal’s daughter Gudiya, said that neighbours used to fight with her family over a property dispute.
On Saturday, a mob of 10 to 15 people barged into her house and attacked her brother Rajesh, who was mentally unstable, and her father, who was unwell.
Majhola police station SHO Rakesh Kumar Singh said, “The accused had fled the spot before police reached there. The bodies have been sent for post mortem.”
Moradabad superintendent of police (SP) Amit Anand said, “The father-son duo died after they were repeatedly attacked with bricks. An FIR has been registered under section 304 (punishable for culpable homicide not amounting to murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and relevant sections of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.
Police have arrested two accused, Moti Ram and Sanjay, while a hunt has been launched for the other accused.