Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Sunday held a video conference with top diaspora leaders and heard about the difficulties faced by Keralites in various countries in the wake of Covid-19.
According to studies, currently there are 2.5 million Keralites who are migrants, out of which 90 per cent work in the Middle East, while there are another two million Keralites who hold passports of other countries.
Vijayan requested the leaders to see that whatever they do whatever they can to ease the difficulties faced by Keralites in the countries they are now residing.
One issue the representatives pointed out was that in the Middle East, there are numerous schools run by Keralites and Indians and it would be good if Vijayan will take up the case for a fee waiver as all educational institutions there are presently closed.
The Chief Minister assured them that he will do his best and also involve the Centre in it.
Another grievance that came up was, post Covid-19, there could be a total shake up in the job sector in the Middle East and Vijayan said if it happens, he will see to ease difficulties by appropriate rehabilitation schemes.
He said that he has already taken up with the Centre about the difficulties faced by the diaspora.
Vijayan also asked the diaspora leaders to set up a task force in each countries and also requested them to see on how best they will be able to help, especially the student community, through parttime jobs.
Among the diaspora representatives who took part were M.A.Yusf Ali, Ravi Pillai, T. Haridas Murali Thummarkudy, to name a few.
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