The Delhi government on Wednesday issued 11 Hunger Helpline numbers, one for each district in the national capital, to ensure that people get food during the 21-day nationwide lockdown that is in place to prevent the spread of the dreaded coronavirus.
“There may be certain homeless, destitute, deprived or distressed members of the society who may not have enough means to access cooked food. Therefore, in order to ensure regular access to cooked food for these people, a Hunger Helpline will be operational between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. in the control rooms set up in all the offices of the District Magistrates in Delhi,” said an order issued by the Chief Secretary.
The helpline will guide and assist people to the nearest night shelter for availing cooked meal.
The helpline numbers are: East district (8375879007), North East (9136469416), Central (7428210545), New Delhi (7290978054), North (8595364814), Shahdara (8595269577), South East (7048998835), West (8595269589), South (9818523225), South West (9871662109) and North West (8595552073).