A majority of Indians don’t think the government has given a “befitting reply” to China, in wake of the recent violent border clash that saw 20 Indian soldiers martyred, as per the IANS-CVoter Snap Poll on China.
In the survey, with a sample size of 10,000, to the query: “Do you think that Indian government has taken suitable steps to give China a befitting reply?”, 60.2 per cent of the respondents replied: “No, China still hasn’t got a befitting reply.”
The remaining 39.8 per cent, however, believes that the Indian government has given a “befitting reply”.
Respondents, cutting across age, religion, education or social strata, believe that China has not got a befitting reply from India. However, there are only two exceptions. People above 60 and Christians think that the dragon has received a slap from the elephant. 68.1 per cent of the respondents who are senior citizens and 79.2 per cent of the Christian respondents insisted that the Modi government has actually given a “befitting reply” to China.
Meanwhile, men think China deserves an answer more than women. Among income groups, it is the middle class who are most vocal to seek for an apt answer to the dragon. Among lower and higher income groups, 57.5 per cent and 51.1 per cent think China needs a better answer. However, when it comes to the middle income group, that number goes up to 68.1 per cent.
When it comes to education, the higher they are educated, the more strongly they demand action. Though, all are unanimous that China hasn’t got the reply it deserved, after its aggression.
But in a rather interesting find, UPA voters are more angry at China not getting a hit back from India than NDA voters, when it comes to their voting preferences in the Low Sabha. Traditionally, NDA voters ride high on nationalism.
Meanwhile, across all social groups and all religious bases, everyone is asking for China to be taught a lesson. However, its only Christians who think they have got their due from the Indian government already, while Sikhs are the most angry at China not being answered to.
Twenty Indian soldiers, including an officer, were killed on Monday night during a violent face-off with Chinese People’s Liberation Army troops at Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh region.