Actor and filmmaker Rahul Bose says Indian filmmakers should seek inspiration from Iranian cinema and learn the art of making movies under specific time-bound restrictions….reports India Daily Newsdesk.
“We should be inspired by the world-class Iranian cinema which is made with 99-restrictions but has never come in the way of creating quality global content,” Rahul said in a statement.
Rahul, whose last directorial “Poorna” played out for around 145 minutes, added: “There’s always a way, there’s always a creative way that you can use and people will not understand the problems you went through.”
The actor, who conducted a master class with Media Konnect (a global exchange platform) in association with MET – IMM, Bandra last week, also shared that it was challenging to find “an efficient team” for “Poorna” — which narrates the story of the youngest girl in the world to scale Mount Everest.
After the success of “Poorna”, Rahul wants to make movies for the global audience