Declining to pass any interim order to put on hold or annul the trust vote won by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami in the assembly, the Madras High court adjourned till February 27 the case filed by DMK leader M.K. Stalin….reports India Daily Newsdesk
The court also ordered submission of the video footage of the happenings in the Tamil Nadu assembly on February 18 — the day Palaniswami sought and won the trust vote by securing 122 votes and 11 against.
Stalin, DMK’s Working President and Leader of Opposition in the assembly, had filed a plea to seek annulment of the trust vote.
Stalin, in his petition, also sought the court’s directions to assembly Speaker P. Dhanapal to hold the trust vote with a secret ballot under a monitoring committee comprising the Governor’s Secretary, Chief Secretary and a senior official from the Election Commission.