Ganesh Chaturthi was celebrated with much fanfare throughout parts of the country on Thursday, with the festivities to continue for the next 10 days. And Bollywood celebrities are participating in this joyous occasion with great zeal and vigour. Actors such as Nana Patekar, Jeetendra, Tusshar Kapoor, Rishi Kapoor, Salman Khan, Vivek Oberoi, Govinda among others welcomed the beloved god home. Some of them shared their fondest memories from the festival.
“Most of the families used to have Ganpati and pujas in our Girgaon chawl. When the pujas were going on, our group of boys would try to find which house had the best prasad. And we would try to see where the aarti was at the climax, because we didn’t want to attend the whole aarti,” Jeetendra said.
“We used to reach during the climax, take Prasad and then run away. I have a sweet tooth, so wherever there would be laddoos, pedas and other sweets, I would eat a lot,” he added.
His son Tusshar Kapoor added: “We’ve been celebrating the festival over the years and every year, all friends from our building and cousins would come over to celebrate with us. We would keep it for five days so for the whole duration, it used to be a festive and lively atmosphere. As kids, we especially loved to have people come over, do puja and enjoy the environment and have a lot of modaks.”
“Krrish 3″ actor Vivek Oberoi shared: “The place where we stayed earlier in Juhu had a kind of a wall. We all children would sit on that wall and look at all gigantic statues of 30-40 feet while they were proceeding for visarjans.”
“We would really enjoy watching them. I love having modaks and always get scolded for breaking my diet restrictions by having too many but I tell them that we need to take inspiration from Ganpati too,” he added.
Most of the Bollywood celebrities also wished their fans on social media on the occasion of the festival.