Delhi Congress chief Arvinder Singh Lovely resigns

In his letter to the Congress National President, Mallikarjun Kharge, Lovely said that all unanimous decisions taken by the Senior Delhi Congress leaders have been unilaterally vetoed by the AICC General Secretary (Delhi In-charge)…reports Asian Lite News

Delhi Congress president Arvinder Singh Lovely has resigned from his post, party officials on Sunday said. “The Delhi Congress Unit was against an alliance with a party which was formed on the sole basis of leveling false, fabricated and malafide corruption charges against the Congress Party. Despite that, the Party made a decision to ally with the AAP in Delhi…,” Arvinder Singh Lovely wrote in his resignation letter.

Lovely was appointed to the post in August 2023.

In his letter to the Congress National President, Mallikarjun Kharge, Lovely said that all unanimous decisions taken by the Senior Delhi Congress leaders have been unilaterally vetoed by the AICC General Secretary (Delhi In-charge).

“Since my appointment as DPCC President, the AICC General Secretary (Delhi In-charge) has not allowed me to make any senior appointments in the DPCC. My request for the appointment of a veteran leader as Media head of DPCC was blatantly rejected. To date, the AICC General Secretary (Delhi In-charge) has not allowed the DPCC to appoint all Block presidents in the city. Resultantly more than 150 blocks in Delhi do not presently have a Block President,” he said.

Further, he said that despite Aam Aadmi Party accusing the Congress over corruption, the party allied (INDIA bloc) with them.

“The Delhi Congress Unit was against an alliance with a Party which was formed on the sole basis of levelling false, fabricated and malafide corruption charges against the Congress Party and in turn, whose half of the cabinet ministers are presently in jail on corruption charges. Despite that, the Party decided to ally with the AAP in Delhi,” Lovely said in his letter to Kharge.

“We respected the Party’s final decision. Not only did I publicly back the decision, I also ensured that the full State Unit fell in line with the High Command’s final order. On instructions from AICC General Secretary (Organisation), I even went to the extent of visiting Kejriwal’s residence on the night of his Arrest along with Subash Chopra and Sandeep Dikshit, despite the same being against my position on the matter,” he added.

The former DPCC President also pointed out that pursuant to the alliance, the Delhi Congress was allotted three Parliamentary Seats to fight in the present General Elections.

He also highlighted the comments made by the North-East Delhi candidate (Kanhaiya Kumar), for falsely praising the Delhi CM and endorsing the works done by AAP in the Education, Health, Road and Electricity sector.

“Such ill-thought and factually incorrect statements have not gone down well with the Local Party Unit since, the local party workers had an inherent understanding that the alliance was not done in appreciation of AAP’s false propaganda of the development of Delhi and was in fact, a “compromise- to improve the chances of victory for the Party as part of the National Alliance,” he said.

Lovely, said that since he cannot protect the interests of the Party Workers, he sees no reason to continue in the said post.(ANI)

Cong workers protest near Kanhaiya Kumar’s office

A group of Congress workers on Sunday held a protest near the office of party’s Northeast Delhi’s candidate for Lok Sabha polls Kanhaiya Kumar, demanding a local person to be nominated from the seat. The protest was held near the Maujpur metro station. Navdeep Sharma, one of the protesters, said they want a local candidate from the seat.

“We want our own candidate or leader to fight otherwise, we should have a meeting so that we can express our feelings with the high command. We need a local candidate from among us; we don’t want an outsider. Our dissatisfaction is not with anyone; we don’t have any problem with anyone,” Sharma said.

He added if there is an outsider candidate, their local politics will be neglected.

Another protester said that they had raised objections earlier, but their voices were allegedly not heard, so now they have taken to the streets as they don’t like Kanhaiya Kumar.

“People from outside don’t know anything, they don’t even know our streets. Why are they being given tickets? We’re not against anyone, we just want someone from here, someone who knows our streets and understands our issues,” the protester said.

Candidates like Arvinder Singh Lovely, Sandeep Dikshit etc should be given the ticket because they understand the local problems, he said.

“We are not against the Congress. We want someone who is dedicated to our community, not just a celebrity among us. That’s our only demand,” the protester stated.

When asked about the protest, a senior party leader denied any anger among the workers claiming that Kumar is getting a lot of love from the local people and it will also be converted into votes.

The protests come after the resignation of Congress’ Delhi unit chief Arvinder Singh Lovely in protest against the alliance with AAP brought the party’s factional feud into the open, with a section of leaders on Sunday demanding the removal of AICC in-charge Deepak Babaria.

In his resignation letter to Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge, Lovely said the Delhi Congress unit was against the alliance with AAP and that all unanimous decisions taken by the senior Delhi unit leaders have been “unilaterally vetoed” by Babaria.

He also criticised Congress candidates – Kanhaiya Kumar from Northeast Delhi and Udit Raj from Northwest Delhi – for their statements and said that tickets were given to two people who are total strangers to the Delhi Congress and party policies.

When asked about the development, Kumar said, “I don’t know. I don’t have any information. Let me gather information from the party and then I will tell you.”

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